Thor the Bengal cat has been taking social media by storm over the past week. So much so that even his owner Rani Cucicov was surprised at the extent of his pet’s fame.
So Cucicov decided to oblige his cat’s legions of newly minted fans by sharing a trove of pictures. Speaking of experiencing Thor’s fame, he said:
This is my Bengal Thor. Recently I saw a post of his picture on the front page of Reddit (not my upload). I was shocked because I didn’t know his picture was going viral. I saw there was a huge buzz about him so I thought you guys might want some more pictures.
Meet Thor the Bengal!
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ye Olde Bell Hotel
At a country retreat, GQ finds a spa as fine as the dining
During a lifespan that has crossed five centuries, Ye Olde Bell Hotel in the village of Barnby Moor in Nottinghamshire has moved with the times. It started in business as a coaching inn in the heart of Civil War England, a natural halfway house for stagecoaches travelling between London and Scotland (including, later on, one carrying a young Queen Victoria). But by the 20th century, when four wheels replaced four legs as the quickest way to travel on the Great North Road, the Bell had reinvented itself as a checkpoint for car enthusiasts.
No longer situated directly on the modern A1, Ye Olde Bell is enjoying a very 21st-century reincarnation - as an easy-to-find watering hole complete with spa resort. This multimillion-pound addition, which opened in June, is the latest stage in an ambitious refurbishment campaign undertaken by owners Paul and Hilary Levack since 2002.
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